

Drafting of general terms and conditions of use of a platform
Author: Boyana Boyadzhieva Rapid technological advances and the emergence of cross-border technologies have fostered the phenomenon of mass digitalisation, as a consequence of which consumer behaviour has changed and expectations to receive online services at a click away have increased. This has[...]
What information should I publish on my Internet page, if I am a trader? Obligation to provide general information before concluding off-premises and distance contracts or when providing information society services.
Author: Boyana Boyadzhieva As a result of technological advancements and the proliferation of online trading platforms, the world has witnessed a remarkable shift in consumer behavior and perception of commerce. Online shopping offers unparalleled convenience and accessibility: with just a few clicks,[...]
The Metaverse – virtual Reality or real virtuality?
Author: Preslav Baldzhiev What is the Metaverse? What legal issues lie behind this term? To what extent are the legislations prepared for such a digital phenomenon? All questions whose answers remain in the realm of conjecture, or at least will remain until[...]
Alternative dispute resolution in Bulgaria
Author: Preslav Baldzhiev The dynamism of public relations often creates misunderstandings between the trader and the consumer. These misunderstandings can often be resolved through open conversation in the spirit of understanding. Based on this idea, the Bulgarian legislator made changes to the[...]
Online dispute resolution
Author: Preslav Baldzhiev Throughout its long history, the European Union has sought institutional transparency, wide accessibility and bilateral negotiations. Following these values, an Online Dispute Resolution Platform has been set up to minimize unnecessary bureaucracy and unnecessary procrastination. What is the platform?[...]
What might be the consequences of copying the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy from another website?
Introduction Whether your business is already based on the Internet or you have just entered the Internet space, one of the ways to do this is to create and maintain your own website. You are probably aware that in order to meet[...]
Unsolicited commercial communications
This article will provide information on what unsolicited commercial communications are, as well as the fines and penalties for sending unsolicited commercial communications and how individuals can exercise their rights. Definition The Electronic Commerce Act defines commercial communications, which are advertising or[...]
Are the Terms and conditions for use of a website and the Privacy Policy subject to copyright?
Introduction The preparation documents for conducting business on the Internet (Terms and conditions for use of a website/e-shop/platform/mobile application; Privacy policy, Cookies policy) is a prerequisite for the successful development of any business and is also one of the obligations of the[...]
Exceptions to the right to withdrawal from the distance or off-premises contract
According to Art. 50, item 1 of the Consumer Protection Act the consumer has the right to withdraw from the distance contract or from the off-premises contract, without stating a reason, without paying compensation or penalty and without paying any costs, with[...]
Registration of an online store at NRA
In September 2018, an Ordinance amending and supplementing Ordinance № N-18 of 13 December 2006 on registration and reporting through fiscal devices of sales in trade sites was promulgated. The changes set out in the Ordinance cover mainly the following issues: Changes[...]