
Drafting a cookies policy

Most internet sites use cookies. This publication aims to provide detailed information on how to draft a cookies policy that is in compliance with the current legislation.


In practice cookies policy is published in the privacy policy or in the website terms and conditions of use. However, for the sake of clarity, it is advisable to provide the cookies policy in a separate document. The user of the website shall be given the option to accept or disable cookies.

In the first place, before describing what a comprehensive cookies policy should contain, a definition of the term “cookies” shall be provided. Cookies are small text files that are sent from web sites to the computer or user’s device and are stored in the browser’s file directory that the user uses. They collect information about how the site is used, to identify the user and improve site performance. Through this information, visitors to the website cannot be personally identified. This information includes most often: type of device from which the user accesses the platform (e.g., computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.); type of operating system; browser type; specific actions to be taken, including the pages, visited, the frequency and duration of visits to the website; date and duration of visits. Of course, cookies are only used under certain conditions.

Content of the cookies policy

  • Introduction: As an introduction to the cookies policy, the operator of the website shall mention that the cookies policy is part of the privacy policy and advise users to read the cookies policy carefully and in case of questions, they are advised to contact the operator of the website. The operator shall also specify that the user has the right to accept or disable the cookies.
  • What are cookies and how do they work? In this part of the cookies policy, it’s a good idea to describe what cookies are and how they work.
  • What is the purpose of cookies? In this section, it is advisable to provide more information on the purpose of cookies.
  • Types of cookies and cookies, which the operator of the website use: There exist many types of cookies such as session cookies, persistent cookies, site-cookies, site-visitor cookies, etc. We recommend that you list the various types of cookies and describe what types of cookies you use.
  • Objectives: When using cookies, it is essential to provide detailed information about the purposes of storing or accessing data and the purpose of processing them.
  • How long does the operator of the website stores the information? The operator of the website shall indicate for what period the information is kept. The information is saved depending on the type of cookies. For example, for session cookies, the information is deleted when the browser is closed while the persistent ones are valid between two months and several years.
  • Managing and deleting cookies: The operator should indicate that if the user does not wish information to be collected through cookies, the user has the right to block and disable the cookies. There should also be a way for cookies to be deleted. In this case, it is important to note that blocking, deleting or disabling cookies may affect some of the features of the website. For the managing of cookies it is necessary to know that cookies should be easy to manage, that is, the user should be given the opportunity to disable cookies with a single click of a button whenever possible.
  • Changes to the cookie policy: It is also worth mentioning that the operator has the right to modify and update the cookies policy at any time in the future when the circumstances impose.

It is important to note that, from a practical point of view, it is imperative that a dynamic caption be introduced in an appropriate way (such as a popup window, WordPress bar, etc.) to inform all users in a clear and comprehensible manner about the cookies on your website.

Due to the many peculiarities that should be taken into account when drafting a cookies policy, it is advisable to seek assistance from a specialist with experience in this matter. The intellectual property specialist in Bulgaria Krasimira Kadieva will gladly assist you in the drafting the cookies policy for your website due to the fact that she has succeeded in her practice drafted website terms and conditions of use, privacy policies, cookies policies in Bulgarian and English languages.

Among the clients who have received legal expertise to their individual needs in Internet law and E-commerce over the past few years are both service providers, software developers, digital agencies, graphic designers, online stores owners, hotel owners, construction companies, real estate agencies as well as small companies that are just starting their business on the Internet. It is also a great recognition for us that in the past years we have helped a number of clients operating in other European countries to enter the Bulgarian market, as the expertise of the law firm in the areas of E-commerce, personal data protection, and intellectual property allows our team to provide effective solutions for expanding our clients’ businesses.

The service “Drafting of a Cookies policy” includes:

  • consulting the client in order to get acquainted with the features of the website and the client’s activity;
  • asking questions in order to obtain the necessary information for the preparation of the Cookies policy;
  • drafting of a detailed Cookies policy that fully corresponds with the client’s activities and the specifics of the website;
  • providing the Cookies policy to the client;
  • opportunity to ask questions about the prepared Cookies policy.



Legal Disclaimer: This material prepared by Krasimira Kadieva aims to provide information about a cookies policy. It does not constitute a legal opinion and cannot be interpreted as individual consultation on any concrete facts or circumstances. The advice of a legal specialist should be obtained for specific questions and situations. For more information on the above-mentioned issues and individual consultations, please contact Krasimira Kadieva at 00359 882 308 670 or make an inquiry using the contact form of this website. Krasimira Kadieva is a Bulgarian and European trademark and design attorney. She can assist in the drafting of website terms and conditions of use, privacy policies, cookies policies in Bulgarian and English languages.


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