Trademark (known in business circles as a „brand” or „brand name”) is a sign used to identify and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer or seller from those of another and can be presented in the State Register of Marks in such a way that it is possible to clearly and accurately determine the subject of the protection granted with the registration. Such signs may be words, including names of persons; letters; numerals; drawings; figures; the shape of goods or of their packaging; a combination of colors; sound signals or any combination of such signs.
According to the way of representing the marks are three-dimensional, sound marks, combinative, word, figurative. According to their use, marks are trademarks, service marks, collective marks and certification marks. Depending on its territorial validity the mark may be registered as a national trademark, regional (European Union trademark or Community trademark) and international trademark.
The most effective way to avoiding judicial intervention is the provision of effective preventive services. For this reason, the registration and maintenance of trademarks are the main actions, which have to be undertaken by every business. When the trademark is registered the possibility for infringements and losses due to imitation of the protected goods or services is minimized. In this regard, it is advisable to seek an assistance from a specialist with experience in the this field, as a thorough knowledge of trademark law is required and a number of features need to be taken into account. An experienced trademark professional will not only take care of the registration of your trademark, but will also help you successfully retain your trademark after registration, which is one of the most important obligations of any trademark owner.
One of the most frequently ordered services in the past years in the practice of the law firm of Krassimira Kadieva is the services related to registration of trademarks. The law firm of Krasimira Kadieva offers comprehensive analysis and strategy for the effective protection of trademarks as objects of industrial property, both at the time of registration and in violation of the rights thereto. Krasimira Kadieva will gladly assist you in all types of trademark registrations by providing professional advice and preparation of all necessary documents. Krasimira Kadieva is an author of numerous articles in the field of trademark law and constantly follows the changes in legislation in this area as well as regularly attends conferences, practical courses, seminars, forums and webinars for improving of her professional qualifications.
Services provided to clients in this area include, but are not limited to:
Strategic analysis;
- Preliminary trademark search of existing identical or similar trademarks in order to avoid trademark infringement (unauthorized use) and potential lawsuits;
Maintenance (registration) of a national trademark, an European Union trademark and an international trademark;
Legal representation in case of an opposition against the registration of the trademark;
Legal representation in case of complete or partial refusal of registration of a trademark;
Filing oppositions and objections;
Maintenance of trademarks after registration;
Registration of change of a name or an address of the proprietor of the trademark;
- Limitation in the list of goods and /or services of a registered national trademark;
Assistance in the transfer of a trademark;
Trademark license;
Drafting of an opposition against registration of a trademark;
Protection of the trademark against infringements and enforcement;
Revocation of trademarks;
Invalidation of trademarks;
Renewal of trademark registration;
Drafting of settlement agreements;
- Out-of-Court settlement negotiations;
Registration of collective and certification trademarks;
- Trademark monitoring.
A more detailed description of the services offered can be found in each section.
If you wish to assign us the registration of your trademark, you can use the electronic services by filling in the relevant electronic forms, which are available HERE and HERE.