The Parliament adopted at first reading two bills amending and supplementing the Cultural Heritage Act. It is envisaged that the identification of items or collections of objects that can be defined as cultural values will be carried out not only by state museums but also by private museums, which will be a relief for private collectors. Subjects of identification for purposes of subsequent sale will not be works of Bulgarian fine and applied art in all varieties created after 1900, as well as Bulgarian printed books issued after 1805. There is defined criteria on the basis of which a thing will be defined as a cultural value, namely: scientific value, historical value, artistic value, authenticity, uniqueness, time of creation, territorial origin, material, tools or techniques of craftsmanship, state and market value. Specific requirements and parameters for each criterion will be laid down in the Ordinance on the Procedure for the Identification of Movable Cultural Property. The other amendment plans for copies, replicas, and objects of commercial purposes to be made only with the consent of the owner of the cultural value, and for cultural values stored in a museum, library and archive funds – by the director of the respective institution. The creation, distribution, and use of an image of cultural values for personal needs as well as for representative, educational and scientific purposes, including the creation, publication, and distribution of scientific papers and publications, is free.