Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
December 21, 2018 in News


Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Wishing you a great winter holidays filled with very pleasant emotions and great experiences. Let the new 2019 year be happier, successful and filled with a creative surge that brings you satisfaction and keeps you[...]
The past year has been very dynamic for us
December 21, 2018 in News


In the last days of the year it is time for analysis. The past 2018 was extremely dynamic and successful for us. In August 2018, we had an anniversary, five years since the opening of the law firm's office by Krasimira Kadieva[...]
We have implemented another new functionality on the website
December 08, 2018 in News


We have implemented a new functionality on the Website, namely: an E-services portal (e-services), which has been developed with the aim to provide to our clients an opportunity to send us a request electronically about the following services, for which they would[...]
We have attended “IP for Business Training”
December 08, 2018 in News


We have attended “IP for Business Training” organized by GIS Transfer Center Foundation, Patent Office of Republic of Bulgaria,  Enterprise Europe Network, European IPR Helpdesk, European Patent Academy and Sofia Tech Park, which was held on November 29th, 2018 at Sofia Tech[...]
A Geo-blocking Regulation in the Context of E-commerce enters into force
December 03, 2018 in News


Regulation (EU) 2018/302 on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market enters into force on 3.12.2018. The aim of the Regulation is for the consumers to[...]
Amendments to the Cultural Heritage Act
November 26, 2018 in News


The Parliament adopted at first reading two bills amending and supplementing the Cultural Heritage Act. It is envisaged that the identification of items or collections of objects that can be defined as cultural values ​​will be carried out not only by state[...]
A Cyber Security Act has been adopted
November 22, 2018 in News


At the end of October 2018, the Cybersecurity Act was passed on the second reading. The new law regulates cybersecurity activities organization, management, and control, including cyber-attack activities and projects, and counter cybercrime. The law also defines the powers and functions of[...]
Amendments to the Copyright and Related Rights Act
November 08, 2018 in News


On 31st of October 2018 amendments to the Copyright and Related Rights Act related to people with disabilities, in particular blind Bulgarian citizens, persons with permanently impaired vision, as well as persons with disabilities, which does not allow reading of printed publications[...]
The Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria has extended the portfolio of its electronic register
November 08, 2018 in News


The Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria has expanded the portfolio of its electronic register and in this way, the users now have the opportunity to find information about new plant varieties and animal breeds. Users can perform combined searches on[...]
Amendments to the Law on the Mandatory Deposit of Printing and Other Publications
November 08, 2018 in News


On the 1st of November 2018 amendments to the Law on the mandatory deposit of printed and other publications were adopted. The changes aim at transparency, which will be achieved by declaring the funding for the printed, electronic and online media. Penalties[...]