
A Cyber Security Act has been adopted

November 22, 2018


At the end of October 2018, the Cybersecurity Act was passed on the second reading. The new law regulates cybersecurity activities organization, management, and control, including cyber-attack activities and projects, and counter cybercrime. The law also defines the powers and functions of the competent authorities in the field of cybersecurity. Legal definitions of cybersecurity, network, and information security, as well as the minimum organizational measures that the information management and security system should contain.

The subjects that have to maintain the information management and security system are listed in the law – the administrative bodies; essential service providers and digital service providers; persons performing public functions which are not designated as essential service providers when they provide administrative services electronically; public service organizations which are not designated as essential service providers or who are not digital service providers within the meaning of this Act when such organizations provide administrative services electronically.

It is envisaged to set up a cybersecurity system, which will be part of the national security protection system, and its governance and organization will be implemented by the Council of Ministers. A Cyber ​​Security Council will be established to support the work of the Council of Ministers. Its composition and powers are regulated in the Cyber ​​Security Act.

The Minister of Interior, the Minister of Defense, the Chairman of the State Agency for Electronic Governance and the State Agency for National Security will have powers regarding active counteraction in the field of cybercrime and cyber crisis.

The Cyber ​​Security Act also regulates liability for violations, as well as possible sanctions and their amount. The full text of the law can be found in issue 94 of the State Gazette:

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