
An article by Krasimira Kadieva has been published in the Intellectual Property of Kazakhstan Magazine

April 25, 2016


The article “How to clarify the exact scope of goods and services after registration of a European Union trademark?” written by Krasimira Kadieva has been published in the Intellectual Property of Kazakhstan Magazine. Mr. Bereketov from Intellectual Property of Kazakhstan Magazine contacted Krasimira Kadieva with a request to receive permission to publish the article, which was considered by the staff of the magazine as “interesting, actual and useful for the persons concerned”. The Intellectual Property of Kazakhstan Magazine is a quarterly journal that presents high-quality articles in the field of intellectual property.

The published article aims to inform proprietors of European Union trademarks about the opportunity to file a declaration under Article 28, Paragraph 8 of the new Regulation (EU) 2015/ 2424 of the European Parliament and the Council. This is an opportunity to clarify the exact scope of their goods and services.

Krasimira Kadieva would like to thank Mr. Bereketov for the high appreciation of the published article as well as for the collaboration.

The article “How to clarify the exact scope of goods and services after registration of a European Union trademark?” is published on 17th page and the journal can be accessed via the following link: How to clarify the exact scope of goods and services after registration of a European Union trademark?

Official page of the Intellectual Property of Kazakhstan Magazine

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