
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) has introduced Fast Track for European Union trademark applications

September 15, 2015


From November 24, 2014, OHIM has introduced the new „Fast Track” procedure for European Union trademark applications, which allows the trademark application to be published in half the time or even faster, as compared to regular applications. In the past eight months since the introduction of the procedure, the trademark applications accepted as Fast Track cases were published on average within seven days.

It is strongly recommended to apply for Fast Track by using the Five-step online application form or the Advanced application form. The Five-step Form has been created for Fast Track, while the Advanced Form alerts you whether your application is a Fast Track or not.

The Fast Track procedure is available free of charge subject to the following two main conditions:

1. Applicants must select the goods and services from OHIM’s harmonized database, which contains terms that have already been accepted.
2. Applicants must pay upfront.

More information on Fast Track procedure as well as the full conditions will be found in a separate comprehensive article in the Publications section on this website. Please check:

Source: Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market

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