
We have registered a European Union trademark for goods in Class 25 of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services

July 14, 2020


We are pleased to announce that at the end of June 2020 we registered a combined European Union trademark for goods in Class 25 of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services. The client, who is the owner of the mark, contacted us in February 2020 and assigned us the registration of the trademark. Firstly, we chose the goods for which our client wants to use the mark now and in the future and conducted a trademark clearance search and prepared a written legal opinion. We did not identify any risks, so we recommended the client to move to the next step, namely: to file the application for registration of the trademark. Next, we paid the state fee to the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). A few days later, the application was published in the bulletin, as it successfully passed the examinations of the experts, namely: formal expertise and substantive expertise. No oppositions or objections were filed within the three-month period, due to which the trademark was registered a few days later – at the end of June 2020. One week after the registration we received the registration certificate, which we sent to our client. In addition, we sent a brochure and an e-book containing useful information and articles about trademarks, with which we successfully completed this project.

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