
We have registered a European Union trademark for goods in Class 5 of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services

June 04, 2020


In January 2020, we were contacted by a client who had developed a combined trademark (consisting of a verbal and figurative element) and assigned us the registration of the trademark as an EU trademark, which will be valid in all EU member states. The mark must be applied for registration for goods in Class 5 of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services. We have provided an e-book to our client, which contains a number of useful articles in the field of intellectual property. Before applying the trademark for registration, it is very important to conduct a trademark clearance search. After conducting the search, it turned out that the trademark was sufficiently distinctive and would successfully pass the examination on absolute grounds, and no earlier similar trademarks were found, which is why we filed the trademark for registration. We submitted the application, which successfully passed the substantive examination and was published in the official bulletin of the European Union Intellectual Property Office. No oppositions or objections were filed within the provided three-month period and the trademark was registered in May 2020. Finally, we provided the registration certificate to our client, with which we successfully completed the registration procedure.
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