
We have successfully registered a national mark at the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria

June 13, 2019


In October 2018, a new client contacted with and commissioned us to take over the registration of a trademark that shall have effect only on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The client already had a logo designed and provided it to us in order to conduct a preliminary trademark search on the presence/absence of similar earlier marks or other IP objects. We have provided our client with comprehensive information about the nature of the registration process, as well as an e-book and a brochure containing articles and useful information about trademarks. The mark should be filed for services in Classes 35 and 37 of the Nice Classification. After the preliminary search we have conducted, we found that the mark is distinctive and will pass the expertise on absolute grounds for refusal, as well as no similar/identical earlier marks have been found, and the rights of the owners of other IP objects are not violated. Accordingly, we recommended that the client initiate the registration procedure by submitting a request for registration of a national trademark at the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria. We filed the application electronically, paid the state fee and during the registration procedure, no oppositions were submitted within the stipulated three-month period. After the expiry of the time term for submission of objections and oppositions, we paid the second installment of the state fee, which is for registration, issuance of a registration certificate and publication of the registered trademark. A few weeks later, in June 2019, we received the registration certificate, which we submitted to our client, and with this final step, we completed the registration process.

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