In June 2018, we were contacted by a client who hired us to register a European Union trademark. The trademark that the client provided us contains a word and a figurative element. The trademark should be filed for registration for goods falling in Class 9 of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services. In the first place, we provided the client with materials that contain useful information about trademarks. Then we proceeded with a preliminary trademark search to determine whether the mark would pass the expertise on absolute grounds for refusal, as well as whether the rights of the proprietors of earlier marks were violated. After the search we have conducted, we have drafted a written legal opinion in which we analyzed the results, namely: – the trademark is distinctive and will pass the expertise on absolute grounds for refusal; – no similar marks have been found and, therefore, no rights of proprietors of earlier marks have been infringed. The trademark passed successfully the expertise on the absolute grounds for refusal and was published in the Official Bulletin of the EUIPO and no oppositions and objections have been submitted within the envisaged three-month period, after which, in October 2018, the mark was successfully registered – four months after filing of the application for registration. Finally, we sent to the client the certificate for registration, with which we have successfully completed the registration process.