In August 2017, we were contacted by a client who wanted to open a fast-food restaurant and for that purpose provided us with fifteen marks for which we shall conduct a preliminary trademark search. The services he will provide are classified in Class 43 of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services. The client has hired us to conduct the search for the territory of all EU member states since the mark he will develop would be applied for registration as a European Union trademark. We carried out the search in the databases for each of the word marks provided, and it turned out that five of the marks did not violate earlier foreign rights and could be successfully registered. The other ten is not advisable to be filed for registration as there are earlier marks registered for identical services. We described the results of the search in a written analysis that we submitted to the client and in conclusion advised him to file for registration and develop one of the five proposed word marks that do not violate any earlier rights.