In May 2020, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) launched an entirely new online business service called WIPO PROOF. WIPO PROOF provides evidence through a digital fingerprint (token) containing the date and time of a digital file in order to verify the existence of this file at a certain point in time to avoid misuse. The ability to certify the existence of work at the time of its creation is key to protecting it from potential abuse or infringement. WIPO PROOF does not replace national, regional, or international intellectual property registration systems, but rather complements them by adding another tool to the intellectual property management strategy. WIPO PROOF does not certify a valid intellectual property right, but rather certifies the existence of the relevant file as of the date and time at which the token was generated. WIPO PROOF provides evidence to verify the existence of a digital file at a certain point of time and is a type of insurance for resolving future disputes.
Who can take advantage of the WIPO PROOF service?
The WIPO PROOF service can be used by absolutely anyone. It would benefit not only a trademark owner who claims earlier use, but also artists who protect their works from plagiarism, or scientists who want to certify that they have first made a breakthrough in a field of science, as well as any other citizen – for example, one who wants to protect himself from the illegal unilateral amendment of a contract.
WIPO PROOF can be used to protect any file, regardless of its size and whether it is digital, text, audiovisual file, image, ect. WIPO PROOF uses technology that in seconds generates a digital fingerprint of the object of intellectual property, valid worldwide. This digital fingerprint, called a “token”, contains a date and time. The user receives his token and a copy of it is stored on WIPO’s servers in Switzerland.
Why take advantage of WIPO PROOF?
The creation of an object of intellectual property is a long process, as a result of which remarkable results are achieved. It is therefore particularly important to prove that a text, sketch, or any original creation existed before that of another person. This can be achieved through WIPO PROOF, as this WIPO service provides creators and innovators with reliable evidence that their work has existed at a certain period of time, and this can be verified by anyone. In this way, abuses are prevented and evidence can be used to resolve legal disputes.
Advantages of using WIPO PROOF
Evidence – Using the WIPO PROOF service you will receive reliable and irrefutable evidence that the object of intellectual property existed at a certain period of time. WIPO PROOF is useful for audit-related activities, complex investigations, protection of contracts against counterfeiting and falsification, protection against deleted or falsified online news, defamation and threats made through digital channels, online fraud, and unverified information publications.
Confidentiality – You create a digital fingerprint of the file that is completely confidential, as WIPO PROOF does not read the contents of the file and does not store a copy of it.
Cost-effective – Control your costs by purchasing a prepaid token package that meets your needs.
Dispute Resolution – Protect intellectual property and thus prevent infringements and abuses by third parties.
Reliability and security – Protection is provided by the highest level of digital encryption technology, and the information is stored on secure servers in Switzerland.
Recognized worldwide – WIPO PROOF tokens can be used in all countries that have adopted and authorized the use of digital evidence in their legislation.
For which intellectual property objects can WIPO PROOF be used?
WIPO PROOF can be used to prove copyright in works, to prove earlier use of industrial design, the existence of a trade secret, scientific research, trademark, computer code, data, research, contracts, documents, and more.
Legal Disclaimer: This material prepared by Krasimira Kadieva aims to provide information about the online service of the World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO PROOF. It does not constitute a legal opinion and cannot be interpreted as individual consultation on any concrete facts or circumstances. The advice of an intellectual property specialist should be obtained for specific questions and situations. For more information on the above-mentioned issues and individual consultations, please contact Krasimira Kadieva at 00359 882 308 670 or make an inquiry using the contact form of this website. Krasimira Kadieva is a Bulgarian and European trademark and design attorney.