
Krasimira Kadieva attended a seminar on “Industrial Property in support of the business” organized by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and Enterprise Europe network аt the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

December 12, 2015


Krasimira Kadieva, who is a Bulgarian intellectual property lawyer, attended a seminar on “Industrial Property in support of the business” organized by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and Enterprise Europe network аt the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which was held on December 11th, 2015 at the “Technical University” – Sofia. The seminar was attended by business representatives as well as fellow industrial property representatives. The following questions were discussed during the event: “Why and how to register your trademark in Bulgaria? Protection of trademarks abroad.”; “Why and how to register an industrial design in Bulgaria? Protection of industrial designs abroad.”; Why and how to protect your inventions in Bulgaria? Protection of inventions abroad. Patent information for the benefit of enterprises.”; “BPO-online and other databases of industrial property objects.”, etc. The aim of the event is to improve the knowledge of the business representatives about the specifics of industrial property. This ensures market competitiveness and production growth.

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